The Jury of Awards for the 155th Annual International Exhibition selected Frederick C. Graff as the recipient for the 2022 American Watercolor Society Gold Medal of Honor. This inspiring exhibition, represented 137 outstanding artists from sixteen different countries and was on display at the well-known Salmagundi Club in New York City.
The following represents all of the American Watercolor Society exhibitions and honors Fred has attained:
2023 Edgar Whitney Memorial Award
2022 AWS Gold Medal of Honor
2021 Selected for AWS Travel Exhibit
2020 Selected for AWS Travel Exhibit
2018 AWS Awards Selection Chairperson
2017 AWS Bronze Medal of Honor
2016 AWS Elizabeth Callan Medal
2015 AWS Winsor & Newton Award (achieved Dolphin Fellow status)
2014 AWS Bud and Gretchen Marble Medal
2012 AWS Exhibition acceptance
2006 AWS Millard Sheets Memorial Award Medal
2003 AWS Exhibition acceptance
1998 AWS Exhibition acceptance
1997 AWS Exhibition acceptance (attained Signature Membership)
1996 AWS Exhibition acceptance
1989 AWS Emily Goldsmith Award
1978 AWS Exhibition acceptance
1977 Selected for AWS Travel Exhibit